ASB Get Wise Program
ASB Get Wise Program
This week on Friday a man from the ASB Get Wise Program came to talk to us about how to save our money. He talked to us about three different people with different jobs and they all work different hours too. We found out who was on what wages and how long would it take for them to save up to go on a holiday. He told us a bit about when you loan money from the bank and a bit about paying interest on your credit card. At the end of the visit, we played a game. We were going on a holiday and we had $1,600.00 to spend on everything like flights, accommodation and activities we did on our holiday. We did it in classrooms and in the end room 8 won. we came 2nd and room 9 came last because they had no money left over. I had fun that afternoon and I learnt a lot about saving money and putting it into the bank.
Mmmm - I hope you have not learnt to save your money in the bank, and then you start spending Mum's money. Surely Kennidy will not that! :)