Thursday, May 24, 2012

National young leaders day

As really National young leaders day was really cool hearing others story on what made them how they are today,the hosts were really entertaining .One person I really enjoyed was Dave Atkinson he was funny his message was to be yourself .Dillon Boucher was very cool to listen to because his point was to give 100% in anything and try your hardest in everything.Nick Tuitasi was a good man to listen to ,he talked to us about SPARK and meaning for every letter S- shacken ,P- push,A-agery ,R- risk and K-kick start .I hope everyone enjoyed NYLD as much as I did .


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. That's great to hear you really enjoyed NYLD Kennidy. Dave and Dillon sound like they were very interesting and inspiring to listen to. I really like Nick's "SPARK" message. How will this motivate you and maximise your potential?

  2. I like your Story Kennidy
