Thursday, June 6, 2013

Visiting schools

Visiting schools

This week we went to two different schools in Auckland. We went to see what their schools were like, because they are doing the open  learning plan like us . The first school we went to was Stonefields School, they had a nice school with 4 rooms, also know as hubs to them. We looked at the ways they learn and their furniture too.  They had some cool things like a white board table and bean bags with their school’s name on it. They use computers for their learning tool, like us. Then we went to Elim School and learnt a bit about what they do. They had some cool bean bags and they use ipads for their learning tools. Overall the day was fun and for lunch we went to the food court at Botany Downs. We got some good ideas for our school to have in our open learning spaces.

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